Tuteck Technologies

International Literacy Day | Education for All

International Literacy Day | Education for All

International Literacy Day, celebrated on September 8th each year, serves as a global reminder of the profound importance of literacy.

It’s a day dedicated to raising awareness about the significance of being able to read and write, not just as a personal skill but as a fundamental human right. This year, the chosen theme for International Literacy Day 2023 is ‘Promoting literacy for a world in transition: Building the foundation for sustainable and peaceful societies.’

Importance of Education for all.

According to UNESCO, over 770 million people worldwide are considered illiterate, meaning they cannot read or write in at least one language. The share of 10-year-old children who could not read and understand a simple text with comprehension increased from 57 percent in 2019 to an estimated 70 percent in 2022. These numbers underscore the pressing need for concerted efforts to promote literacy.

Certainly! Let’s delve deeper into the points mentioned under

“Why is Literacy Important?” 


Literacy is an essential tool for empowerment, granting individuals the ability to access, understand, and critically assess information. In a world flooded with information through books, newspapers, digital media, and the internet, the skill of literacy is indispensable. 

When individuals can read and write, they become active participants in their own education, personal development, and decision-making processes. They are less likely to be manipulated or misled by misinformation and are better equipped to advocate for their rights and interests. 

For children with special needs and learning disabilities, empowerment through literacy takes on even greater significance. 

EdukkaSEN (TuTeck Technologies’ innovative next-generation educational platform focussing on disrupting Special Educational Needs ) recognizes this and strives to empower these children by providing them with tailored learning experiences that cater to their unique learning styles and needs. 

Economic Development

Literacy and economic development are closely intertwined. Individuals who are educated have a higher likelihood of finding employment, contributing to economic growth, and improving their financial well-being.

They are more adaptable to the changing job markets and can acquire new skills and knowledge more effectively. Furthermore, literacy enhances an individual’s ability to start and manage businesses, fostering entrepreneurship and innovation. 

Social Inclusion

Illiteracy often leads to social exclusion and marginalization. Literate individuals are better equipped to engage with their communities and society at large. They can participate in social, cultural, and civic activities, which is vital for both, belonging and self-worth.

Education helps bridge the communication gap and foster social cohesion. At TuTeck Technologies, EdukkaSEN promotes social inclusion by providing specially abled children with the tools and skills they need to engage with their peers and communities. Our platform encourages interaction and communication, reducing the barriers to social inclusion. 

Peace and Stability

Literacy plays a significant role in building peaceful and stable societies. When people can read and write, they are more likely to understand diverse perspectives, tolerate differences, and engage in constructive dialogue. Literate societies tend to be more democratic and less prone to conflict because they can communicate, negotiate, and resolve disputes through non-violent means. 

TuTeck Technologies believes in fostering understanding and tolerance among children with special education needs (SEN). By providing them with the means to communicate effectively and engage with others, we contribute to the creation of more peaceful communities. (EdukkaSEN)

Global Progress

Literacy serves as a foundation for achieving various Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It is intricately linked to SDG4 (Quality Education) and supports the attainment of other goals, such as those related to health (SDG 3), gender equality (SDG 5), and decent work and economic growth (SDG 8).

Literacy is a catalyst for progress, as it enables individuals and societies to address complex challenges and take meaningful action towards a better future. 

Our commitment to leaving no one behind aligns with the global efforts to achieve the SDGs. By providing quality education to children with special needs, we contribute to the advancement of these global goals and the betterment of society as a whole. 

Literacy is not merely a skill; it is a gateway to empowerment, economic development, social inclusion, peace, and global progress.

EdukkaSEN’s dedication to promoting literacy among children with special needs is a testament to the transformative power of education. Through literacy, we can create a more equitable and enlightened world where every individual has the opportunity to thrive and contribute to society. 

Our platform offers a gamified version of self-learning through an innovative and interactive graphical interface powered by augmented reality. This not only makes learning fun but also enhances problem-solving skills. Additionally, we provide mentoring sessions with specialized advisors and an online library of resources tailored for parents of specially-abled children. 

As we commemorate World Literacy Day in 2023, it’s essential to remember that literacy is not just about reading and writing; it’s about empowerment, inclusion, and creating a more peaceful and sustainable world.

EdukkaSEN is proud to be part of this global effort, working tirelessly to ensure that no one is left behind in the journey towards a more literate and enlightened society. Let us all commit to promoting literacy and education for all, building the foundation for a brighter and more equitable future. 



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